SpamSafeMail - MainMenu

Please enter your username and password to SpamSafeMail.

Version: 2.4.593 - 09 May 2024    

Click to go to secure mode

Password or PIN:  




Self Registration?
If activated by your Administrator, you can self register to Spam Safe Mail by clicking the "Self Register New User" button and entering your email address.  A password to the portal will be automatically assigned and emailed to you.
Forgotten Password?
If you have forgotten your password, please enter your Username above, leave the password field blank, and then click on the Forgotten Password button to have your password resent to you via email.

SpamSafeMail is a trading name of Mark Andrew Smith Limited
Version: 2.4.593 - 09 May 2024
(C)2004-2024 Mark Andrew Smith Group
A Company Registered in Ireland - Company Number 524245 - Directors: MA Smith, F Smith